Environmental and Racial Justice on the Ballot: A Voter Education Event will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 10 to noon. It’s free and open to the public.
Every two years, California voters are asked to participate in the legislative process by voting on ballot propositions. Unlike legislators, we don’t have a team of paid research assistants.
This online event, hosted by University Lutheran Chapel, is designed to help you vote on ballot propositions with greater confidence. Chapel members have done what research we could, as well as reaching out to policymakers and analysts, starting with the community organizations to which we already have ties.
In keeping with the Chapel’s social justice focus, the recommendations presenters are offering focus on the potential environmental and racial justice impacts of state, Berkeley, and Oakland propositions. When possible, we will also try to give guidance on how you can more confidently evaluate propositions in the future.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89238825348?pwd=RFR1Z1dVUSszNHF3QmdLMzdWTitFZz09
Event contact: Rachel Beck, whollyword@yahoo.com