The Sheriff is a constitutional officer elected on a countywide basis.
Patrol – Criminal Enforcement in all unincorporated areas of Alameda County. May contract with cities to provide enforcement where a police department has not been established (The City of Dublin Police Dept is a division of the ACSO.) May provide contract services to airports, transit agencies, schools, hospitals, etc.
Detention – Operations of the jails; provide care, safety, custody and security of those incarcerated including the provision of medical services and proper diet. (In Alameda County medical care is contracted out while behavioral healthcare is provided by the Alameda County Behavioral Health Services a part of the county Health Services Agency.)
Emergency Services – The Sheriff is the director of civil defense and disaster services for the entire county when a state of emergency is declared.
Civil – Receive and serve civil papers such as summons, complaints, subpoenas; execute evictions and other orders of the Court.
Court Services – Provide transportation of sentenced and pre-trial detainees; act as bailiff in the Court; provide courthouse security.
Records – Maintain records, warrants and criminal history information.
Animal Control – Animal services in the unincorporated areas and contract cities.
Coroner – Alameda is one of 48 out of 58 counties in California where the Sheriff also serves as the coroner. The Coroner’s Office has three main responsibilities:
Medical – Where deaths are unattended by physicians conduct autopsies to determine cause of death and sign death certificates; transport and remove bodies of the deceased.
Administrative – Maintain all records; respond to inquires by law enforcement agencies, doctors and others with potential cases; provide custody and security of valuables; arrange sale of unclaimed property (can also be performed by Public Guardian/Public Administrator); locate families of the deceased when necessary.
Investigative – Conduct investigations to determine causes of death and/or establish identity of deceased; conduct inquests.