Illegal Dumping in the News

Illegal Dumping in the News

In the News: ‘It’s not just what you see.’ Illegal dumping is affecting people’s lives Faith in Action East Bay leader Maria Suarez was profiled in El Timpano’s recent coverage of Oakland’s illegal dumping crisis and the organizing...
Announcing Faith Leader Cohorts and Quarterly Meetings

Announcing Faith Leader Cohorts and Quarterly Meetings

The Voter Engagement Cohort meets on third Thursdays at 1 p.m.: February – 2/15, March – 3/21, April – 4/18, May – 5/16, June – 6/20, July – 7/18, August – 8/15, September – 9/19, October – 10/17 plus the November...
Virtual Action Will Address Illegal Dumping Crisis in Oakland

Virtual Action Will Address Illegal Dumping Crisis in Oakland

NEWS ADVISORY: Outraged by the unresolved issue of illegal dumping on Oakland streets, community leaders from Faith in Action East Bay and Block By Block Organizing Network will hold a virtual action event with city officials at 6 p.m. Thursday, December 7. Oakland,...
Featured Leader: Leonor Godinez

Featured Leader: Leonor Godinez

Change can happen when we follow the Faith in Action East Bay organizing model. Leonor has seen it work. Leonor Godinez knows firsthand that the Faith in Action East Bay (FIAEB) organizing model works. Through her parish, San Antonio Church/Mary Help of Christians,...
Ceremony Will Commemorate Oakland Homicide Victims

Ceremony Will Commemorate Oakland Homicide Victims

At 3 p.m. Sunday, December 31, St. Columba Catholic Church will hold a memorial service to commemorate the lives lost to homicide in Oakland this year. The service will include representatives from community service organizations, and bereaved family and friends. For...
A Thank You to Legislators Who Support Housing Justice

A Thank You to Legislators Who Support Housing Justice

Three important pieces of legislation that address the housing crisis were passed this year thanks to grassroots organizing and the support of Representatives Mia Bonta, Lori Wilson, Timothy Grayson, Liz Ortega, and Buffy Wicks as well as Senators Aisha Wahab and...
Guns to Gardens Success

Guns to Gardens Success

The third annual Guns to Gardens Oakland gun buyback event happened again in Oakland on Saturday, November 18th. The team is pleased to report another wild success!  In total, 68 guns and 5 BB guns were collected, made up of 33 handguns,...
Featured Leader: Mary Schlarb

Featured Leader: Mary Schlarb

Home is Blessing Leaders at Faith in Action East Bay (FIAEB) and other organizations in the PICO Federation across the state are celebrating the passing of SB567 (renter protections) and SB4 (affordable housing on faith lands). One of those people is veteran FIAEB...
A Call to Lamentation

A Call to Lamentation

In light of the tragic events occurring in the Middle East and as people of faith who affirm the sanctity of human life, the inherent interconnectedness and wholeness of the human community, we are heartbroken and saddened by the scale of suffering and pain that is...